The mission of the Heritage Library is to support the educational goals of the institution by providing an ever-expanding, diverse catalogue of scholarly resources and facilities conducive to study and research for students, faculty, alumni, and community users.
The Library occupies 6,000 square feet on the lower level of the Academic Building. It is open to students, faculty, staff, and the community during our indicated times (see below). Library facilities include study carrels, worktables, and workstations, as well as a reference, periodical, and group/study room.
The Library’s collection of over 35,000 items includes books, periodicals, tapes, videos, CDs, and music scores. Our catalogue is accessible online. Special collections include the Heritage Special Collection and the Bunyan Collection. In addition to 80 current hard-copy journal subscriptions, Heritage faculty and students have access to online databases containing a variety of eBooks and periodicals (see below).
Christmas Hours
December 16 – 20: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
December 21 – January 1: Closed
January 2 – 3: (unstaffed) 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
January 4 – 5: Closed
January 6: Regular Hours Resume
Regular Library Hours
Monday: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The Book Return Drop Box is Open 24/7
Library and Writing Resources
- Search the library collection using the Heritage Library Online Catalogue.
Databases for Journal Articles & eBooks
- EBSCOhost – Access to EBSCO eBook Collection, Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials, Christian Periodical Index (CPI), and SocINDEX databases
- To obtain login credentials, please contact us.
- Digital Theological Library 2 (DTL2) — A large digital library of religious and theological resources. Access books/eBooks, articles, journals, databases, and subject guides. Access over 525,000 books, 80,000,000 peer-reviewed articles, 35,000 journal titles, 119 databases, and 30 subject guides.
- Instructions on how to get access: After clicking on a resource, select Heritage College and Seminary from the drop-down list and then enter your myHeritage PersonID (Note: Your PersonID is not the same as your Student ID: Instructions on how to identify your PersonID)
- Exclusively available to Heritage Theological Seminary students, faculty, and staff (Alumni, College students, and community borrowers must visit the library in person to access this database. See Library Staff for assistance)
- Those without permission to access the DTL2 can make use of the Open Access Digital Theology Library (OADTL): A curated digital library of high-quality content in religious studies and related disciplines from publisher websites, institutional repositories, scholarly societies, archives, and stable public domain collections. Access over 198,000 books, 10,000,000 articles, 6,200 journals, 85 databases, and 5 research aids.
- ProQuest – Access to Ebook Central, Religion Database, and Public/Open Access Content Database
- This database is only accessible on the school’s network. Patrons may use the computers (i.e, “workstations”) located in the Library (see Library Staff for assistance)
Heritage Writing & Citation Guides
- Heritage Manual of Style [version 3.1] — This document provides you with our formatting and citation standards for all assignments here at Heritage.
- Survivor’s Secrets — A collection of write-ups and tips to help you succeed as a student here at Heritage. Topics include organization, scheduling, how to study, how to write an essay, how to write a book review, how to write a journal/reflection, as well as others.
Writing & Citation Helps
- Reference Management Software — Zotero and Mendeley (Upgrading to reference management software is only recommended for students who have mastered manually citing in Turabian/Chicago!)
- Purchase a copy of Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (9th ed.; 2018) is available in limited quantities on reserve in the library or for purchase. (Note: purchasing this book as a kindle book also has the benefit of being fully text-searchable, making it much easier to find what you are looking for!)
- Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) Online. A copy of CMOS (17th ed.; 2017) is available on reserve in the library. (Note: Turabian and Chicago are the same style.)
- For biblical studies, The SBL Handbook of Style (2nd ed.; 2014) is also a helpful resource. You may view/download the Student Supplement, or consult the full edition that is available on reserve in the library.
- Purdue OWL: Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.
- SBTS Writing Center: The Writing Center at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has provided a vast array of resources to help students with academic writing. We commend this website to you and we are very thankful to the SBTS Writing Center for making this material available to the public. (Note: Keep in mind that SBTS has their own writing style that, while similar to Heritage, does differ. Please be sure that you are following the Heritage Manual of Style instead of another style when writing your papers.)
- Purdue OWL: ESL Resources
Other Helpful Websites for Research
- Biblical Studies Database: Over 45,000 open-access theological journal articles.
- Atla Religion & Theological Digital Library: Over 125,000 digitized items.
- Project Gutenberg: Over 60,000 free e-books.
- Internet Archive: Free archive of over 670 billion items.
- Google Books: Over 10 million free e-books.
- Google Scholar: A simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other websites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.
- HathiTrust Digital Library: A partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library: A digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.
- Best Commentaries: Reviews and ratings of works in biblical and theological studies, including biblical commentaries, systematic theologies, and monographs.
- WorldCat: Holdings from over 10,000 libraries worldwide.
- Index Theologicus: An international bibliography of theology and religious studies.
- Bavinck Review: A peer-reviewed electronic journal published annually in the spring by the Bavinck Institute at Calvin Seminary.
- Christian Reformed Church Periodical Index: This database contains over 100,000 records and provides access to bibliographic citations for the Banner and other CRC-related publications.
- Calvinism Resources Database: This database provides bibliographic information for articles, essays, and lectures produced from the 16th century to the present which deal with John Calvin and 16th century Calvinism.
- Post-Reformation Digital Library: This is a select database of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included.
- Digital Library of Abraham Kuyper: A collaborative project of the Princeton Theological Seminary Library and the Free University’s Historical Documentation Center for Dutch Protestantism.
- The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University: A comprehensive, fully searchable, critical, annotated online edition of the papers of Jonathan Edwards, a corpus of some 100,000 pages of sermons, notebooks, letters, and treatises. It is integrated with Scripture citations, primary sources—referenced by Edwards—and relevant scholarly books and articles.
- Princeton Theological Seminary’s Digital Collections: More than 150,000 digital pages of monographs and serials, in addition to portraits and photographs. See especially the Theological Commons.
- Perseus Digital Library: Online collection covering the history, literature, and culture of the Greco-Roman World. Includes both texts (original language and translations) and digital images.
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Entries from specialized philosophers around the internet.
- Canadiana: A database of digitized documents related to Canadian history and heritage.
- The Canadian Encyclopedia: Over 19,000 articles and entries on Canadian people, places, events, and ideas.
For more information, please contact us and Heather Okrafka (Library Assistant) will be pleased to assist you.
If you notice any issues or errors on this page, or if you would like to make a suggestion, please contact us and let us know.