Chapel sermons, conferences, and events
Heritage College and Seminary Podcast
Each school year we host many chapel services, and a number of special events and conferences. This podcast is one way for us to connect with you and make sure this amazing content is available publicly. These chapel services and events include world-class speakers and are attended by hundreds of theology students on a regular basis. We hope you find something meaningful and uplifting in these recordings.
Specific events that we publish:
- Convocation chapel (first chapel service of the year)
- Regular chapel services
- Heritage Preaching Lectures (HPL)
- Spiritual Emphasis Week
- Local Outreach Week
- Missions Conference
- Ministry Leadership Day (MLD)
- Arts Week
- Graduation
For the most up to date content subscribe to Heritage College and Seminary in your pod-catcher of choice or listen in your browser.
The Rick Reed Sermon Podcast
Welcome to the Rick Reed Sermon Podcast. Rick is the President Emeritus at Heritage College & Seminary. The sermons on this podcast are taken from Dr. Reed’s preaching ministry in churches, conferences, and at chapel services at Heritage.
The first series in this podcast is Becoming a Courageous Christian. Follow along with the study guide for an in depth look at the book of 2 Timothy.
Get the Becoming a Courageous Christian Study Guide
Preacher to Preacher with Rick Reed
Welcome to Preacher to Preacher – a podcast for those who want to get noticeably better in their preaching and teaching ministry from Dr. Rick Reed. This podcast offers weekly teaching focused on equipping preachers and teachers to grow in their gifts.
9:31 Growing the Church in Canada
Welcome to 9:31 Growing the Church in Canada. Join us as we talk about a wide variety of topics related to the spiritual health and growth of the Canadian church in conversation with church leaders and pastors serving faithfully for God’s glory.
Hope & Encouragement – A Podcast with Devotional Resources from our Faculty
Listen to Hope & Encouragement – new podcast from Heritage College & Seminary dedicated to sharing gospel-centered devotional thoughts from our faculty. Tune in to learn from Scripture and draw close to God together during this unique time.
Find the new Hope & Encouragement podcast on Spotify, iTunes and DiscoverHeritage.ca
Hope in the Hard Times – Sermon Series
In a time when we need to seek to find hope in God daily, join Dr. Rick Reed as he shares his sermon series on Hope in the Hard Times to point us to the true hope we have in Christ during these unique times.
Encouraging Sermons from Heritage College & Seminary
Follow Heritage College & Seminary on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find encouraging messages from our faculty.
Audio Archives
For audio recordings prior to September 2017, please visit the set of archived pages on our old website.