

This page contains a number of links to important tools and information related to your role as a faculty or staff member of Heritage.

discoverheritage.ca – This website.  This is our main public-facing platform for everything related to academics, programs, courses, student life, news & events, and media publications.

Outlook on the Web – This is a web-based version of our email platform.  Use it from anywhere in the world.

Office 365 – This is the online portal for your Heritage-provided Office 365 account.  Use this link to access online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, and Teams.  This portal will provide you authenticated access to other apps such as ADP Workforce Now.

myHeritage – This is our college management system and learning management system database.  It houses our students records, course catalogue, semester catalogue, and is the platform of choice for publishing course material and engaging with students.

salo.heritagecs.edu – Knowledgebase site published by the IT team that contains how-to and tutorial documentation for many of the IT systems that are in use at Heritage.

ADP Workforce Now – This is our cloud-based HR platform.  It helps us handle timesheets, time-off management, pay stubs, and tax forms.

New Hire Request – Use this form to submit relevant information to the Executive Assistant and the IT Manager to kick off the payroll setup process, user account creation, and equipment procurement.

Residence Network Jack Activation Request – Heritage provides a network jack in each residence room. Please fill out this form to notify the Heritage IT department about the jack located in your room so it can be activated.