HomeAboutOutcomes: Institutional Effectiveness

Outcomes: Institutional Effectiveness

Updated January 2023


As an accredited institution, Heritage College and Seminary is committed to the effective fulfillment of the institutional mission of Heritage as well as the distinct mission statements of the College and the Seminary. As such, faculty, staff, administration, and the board regularly review and assess all aspects of the institution for its educational effectiveness. Heritage engages annually in a full institutional review in May or August. Individual departments do assessments more often as needed. Various qualitative and quantitative assessment strategies are used (e.g., grade reports, student course surveys, graduating student questionnaires, board member surveys, financial reports, and more) to evaluate the quality of the full educational experience at Heritage College and Seminary. Findings are used to improve programs and services at Heritage.

Heritage College and Seminary has over 2800 alumni living in Canada, North America, and around the world.

Completion Rates


Heritage Baptist College enjoys a steady enrollment of about 150-160 students. Based on a typical undergraduate benchmark of time and a half (150%) of the prescribed program length, the College has the following completion rates for its four-year undergraduate degree programs:

Graduation Year 2020 2021 2022
Cohort Size* 39 44 43
Graduates** 24 29 28
Completion Rate 62% 66% 65%

* Total number of full-time degree students beginning their studies in their respective Fall semester (2020 = Fall 2014; 2021 = Fall 2015; 2022 = Fall 2016).
** Total number of full-time degree students who completed their programs within 150% of the allotted time, graduating in their respective graduation year.

College graduates reported that the following aspects of life at Heritage contributed to their growth and development:
  • classroom instruction by knowledgeable and enthusiastic faculty;
  • personal interactions with faculty;
  • living on campus and interacting with other students;
  • informal and formal times of prayer and worship including Tuesday chapel times;
  • required internships and work placements.

Note: Data from the 2022 Graduation Survey conducted by the College, which included 18 respondents. Responses selected based on at least 50% of respondents selecting “very much.”


Heritage Theological Seminary has steadily increased its enrollment since 2012 to about 200 students per term. While seeing more students studying full-time, the trend is for students to study part-time while being involved in ministry and other vocations. Based on a typical graduate benchmark of twice (200%) the prescribed program length, the Seminary has the following graduate degree completion rates:

Master of Theological Studies (MTS)

Graduation Year 2020 2021 2022
Cohort Size* 6 4 7
Graduates** 2 1 1
Completion Rate 33% 25% 14%

Note: The MTS is a two-year degree program. A typical completion rate of twice (200%) the prescribed length is four (4) years.
* Total number of full-time degree students beginning their studies in their respective Fall semester (2020 = Fall 2016; 2021 = Fall 2017; 2022 = Fall 2018).
** Total number of full-time degree students who completed their programs within 200% of the allotted time, graduating in their respective graduation year.

Master of Divinity (MDiv)

Graduation Year 2020 2021 2022
Cohort Size* 10 3 6
Graduates** 5 2 3
Graduation Rate 50% 67% 50%

Note: The MDiv is a three-year degree program. As a result, a typical completion rate of twice (200%) the prescribed length is six (6) years.
* Total number of full-time degree students beginning their studies in their respective Fall semester (2020 = Fall 2014; 2021 = Fall 2015; 2022 = Fall 2016).
** Total number of full-time degree students who completed their programs within 200% of the allotted time, graduating in their respective graduation year.

Seminary graduates report that the most significant influences on their overall experience at Heritage Theological Seminary include:
  • supportive and understanding faculty;
  • satisfaction with the academic experience;
  • ability to manage financially;
  • spiritual growth and developing a stronger faith;
  • their personal faith was respected;
  • feeling accepted within the school community;
  • integrating theological and practice of ministry.

Note: Data from the 2021-2022 ATS Graduating Student Questionnaire (GSQ), which included 30 respondents. Responses selected based on a total average score of 4.5 out of 5.

Retention Rates


Reporting Year 2020 2021 2022
Potential Returnees* 44 47 16
Returned** 29 34 10
Fall to Fall Retention Rate 66% 72% 62%

Note: Retention Rates provided are based on Fall to Fall Retention calculations as defined by ABHE.
*Potential returnees are traditional/first-time students who enrolled in the previous year’s fall semester (e.g., 2020 = Fall 2019) and who would normally be continuing their studies in the reporting year’s fall semester. Traditional/first-time students are students who have not attended another undergraduate school.
** Returned are total traditional/first-time students from the previous year’s fall semester who returned in the reporting year’s fall.

Placement Rates


Our College alumni live and work in their communities in a multitude of vocations, ministries, and life realities. Many college students come for a one-year post-High School experience before moving on to further education, employment, careers, and families. Many of our College degree graduates find employment in churches and other Christian ministry vocations, and a number of our College graduates go on to do graduate studies in theological and ministry studies.

An employment/placement survey was conducted in January 2023 with 118 College alumni. The results may be found here.


The Seminary has over 645 graduates serving Christ and his kingdom in Canada and around the world. Our graduates serve as pastors, missionaries, chaplains, counsellors, campus workers, church ministry directors, church planters, teachers and academics. In addition, our graduates serve faithfully in their churches as leaders, mentors, and actively engaged congregation members bringing their theological and ministry training to their roles in their ministries, families, and vocations.

An employment/placement survey was conducted in January 2023 with 100 Seminary alumni. The results may be found here.