Heritage Preaching Lectures 2020

The Heritage Preaching Lectures is an event that seeks to equip and encourage pastors and other ministries with the tools need to sharpen their skills in order to serve their churches and congregations.
Join us this year online as Heritage welcomes Dr. Ray Ortlund to the Heritage Preaching Lectures. Dr. Ortlund will be speaking on the topic of Preaching Old Testament Wisdom Literature.
Details and Registration Below
Date and Time
Thursday, October 8th, 2020 from 9:00am to 12:00pm.
Registration Cost
General Admission – $30.00
Heritage Partner Churches – $30.00
About Ray Ortlund
Ray graduated from Wheaton College as a Bachelor of Arts, from Dallas Theological Seminary as a Master of Theology, from The University of California at Berkeley as a Master of Arts, and from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, as a Doctor of Philosophy. Pastor Ortlund was ordained into the Christian ministry by Lake Avenue Congregational Church, Pasadena, California, in 1975. He taught Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, from 1989 to 1998. His primary ministry, for 28 years, has been as a pastor in California, Oregon, Georgia and Tennessee.
In addition to numerous essays and articles, Ray has published eight books. His latest, Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel, was named “2017 Christian Book of the Year” in the category Bible Study. He also served as an Old Testament translator for The New Living Translation and The English Standard Version of the Bible. He contributed the introduction and study notes to the book of Isaiah in The ESV Study Bible. In addition to serving at Immanuel Nashville, Ray is the President of Renewal Ministries and serves on the Council of The Gospel Coalition.
Ray and his wife Jani have been married for forty-six happy years, they have four delightful children and 14 amazing grandchildren.