Yisel Zorina
(nee Amaro; Heritage 2006, BCSE-CH)
I graduated from Heritage in 2006 with a Bachelor of Christian School Education. After that, I came to Japan to work as a kindergarten teacher at an international Christian school in Nagoya city where I taught for 5 years.
It was there where I met my husband. We got married in 2010 and moved to an area closer to Tokyo to work with a church. Here, I have started a new Christian kindergarten that is slowly growing. My husband serves in the church by preaching, leading worship, and helping with media. The Lord also led us to start a few other ministries like Bible studies at our home on Saturdays, lead prayer meetings, start a jazz café night where non-believers come to play jazz and my husband presents the gospel, etc.
We are very excited about God’s work in Japan. Statistically, the percentage of Christians in this country is less than 1%, with 25 un-churched cities, and lots of social issues. However, we are encouraged to see that people are becoming more open to the gospel; especially after the tsunami and earthquake tragedies. Please pray for Japan.
I have many good memories from my time at Heritage; especially from my CSE classes. One of my favorites is when President Brubacher heard us laughing as we were trying to mash and squeeze a banana through a pantyhose to represent the digestive system J He folded his sleeves up and joined us in the experiment. There are many more memories I treasure, like eating a whole bucket of ice-cream with Candice Brown, or rolling down the hill on a snowy night with Jenny Casselman- wait… was that allowed? J Or enjoying the much, much missed Tim Hortons.
Heritage has a very special place in my heart. God used my teachers and friends to shape my life and draw me closer to Him.