HomeStudy Hermeneutics with Heritage at Hope Oakville

Study Hermeneutics with Heritage at Hope Oakville

Biblical hermeneutics, as the theory and practice of interpretation, is concerned with understanding the meaning of the biblical text, as well as its significance for people today. This course is designed to develop some of the philosophical and practical skills needed for the complexities of biblical hermeneutics. We will examine various models of interpretation in order to explore their value and limitations. We will also spend a significant amount of time and effort exploring the various genres of Scripture, and the interpretative principles that accompany each of them.

In this course we cover foundational issues of biblical hermeneutics (the art and science of interpretation), and its intent is to develop competency in biblical interpretation for both the personal and public use of the Scriptures.


Course Professor: Dr. David G. Barker

Course Structure

This course is being offered both in person at Hope Bible Church in Oakville and sychronous (live stream).
Classes will run on January 31st & February 1st from 9:00am-5:00pm as well as March 28th & 29th from 9:00am-5:00pm. The time outside of class instruction will be for assignments, reading and other course work.

How to Participate in the Course

There are two different ways you can take this course.

For Audit: Pay a $270 fee and participate in the learning without doing homework or assignments. You do not receive credit for the course.

For Credit: Apply at Heritage College & Seminary, participate in all aspects of the course and receive credit upon passing completion.
Application Fee Applies. Click here for more information.
Course Tuition Fee: $1,215

Note: Current Heritage Students can register in their myHeritage account.


Apply for Course for Credit Register for Course for Audit


About our Partnership

Heritage Theological Seminary and Hope Bible Church recognize the responsibility to equip and build up strong disciples of the Word. Heritage Theological Seminary, is thankful for support from Hope Bible Church, to bring an in-person class to the GTA, at Hope’s Oakville site this January.


If you have questions, please contact Karyn Mowbray, Assistant Registrar – Seminary at or by calling 519.651.2869 Ext. 270.