Seeing Christ in the Psalms

For Dr. Ian Vaillancourt, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Heritage College & Seminary, publishing his first monograph has been an exciting, learning experience.
As he anticipates the release of The Multifaceted Saviour of Psalms 110 and 118: A Canonical Exegesis, Dr. Vaillancourt looks back at all the support he received from an experienced faculty at Heritage, who gave him the feedback and encouragement needed to help produce his first book-length publication. He sees it as a blessing to be able to work alongside of this group and learn from their experience, knowledge and wisdom.
“I am humbled to be on a faculty team that is filled with people who have much more publishing experience than I have,” explains Vaillancourt. “It’s an honour to learn from these scholars as I seek to grow as a writer and use this ministry to bring God glory.”
It was this heart to see God glorified that led him to research Psalms 110 and 118. Vaillancourt explains that when he approached this study, he wanted to go deep in the Old Testament with the hopes that it would help Christians see Christ in its pages. In the case of this monograph, he hopes that the depth-work from an Old Testament perspective will also aid future work by New Testament specialists, as they explain the various appearances of the two most cited psalms in the New Testament.
In The Multifaceted Saviour of Psalms 110 and 118, Dr. Vaillancourt takes a canonical approach to these Psalms, arguing that within the final portion of the book of Psalms there emerges an eschatological messianic figure who will bring ultimate deliverance for God’s people.
“I pray that Christians would see that God planned to send his son before He laid the foundation of the world,” explains Dr. Vaillancourt; “that Jesus is the ultimate prophet who speaks God’s authoritative word to us, the priest who mediates between us and God, and the king who rules over his people and the cosmos.”
With the recent release of his first monograph, Dr. Vaillancourt will also be involved in a number of presentations this November focused on his research. In addition to a presentation in the Psalms and Hebrew Poetry section of the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), Dr. Vaillancourt was one of five people selected to present in the Emerging Old Testament Scholar section at the Annual Meeting of the Institute for Biblical Research (IBR).
Dr. Vaillancourt’s monograph is currently available through Sheffield Phoenix Press and will be made available at both the ETS and IBR meetings.
Please pray for our Heritage Theological Seminary professors as they travel to San Diego to attend and present at ETS, IBR and SBL.