HomeMoving Forward: An Update from Dr. Jonathan Griffiths, Heritage College & Seminary

Moving Forward: An Update from Dr. Jonathan Griffiths, Heritage College & Seminary

Through the Lord’s grace, we have seen much growth and development at Heritage, and we recognize that we are on the brink of a new chapter for our community. The new seminary building, which is nearing completion, is one very visible reminder on campus of the Lord’s kindness to us as an institution. It also speaks of the great work He has yet for us to do. With hearts full of thanks, we look to the future with hope and in a spirit of dependency, recognizing that none of this would be possible without the Lord’s provision and the steadfast support of our partners.

I am honoured to be welcomed as Chancellor here at Heritage at this key moment of opportunity in the life and history of the school. The Lord has given me a passionate concern to see that a robust and faithful theological education is available across our great country. It is clear that the Lord has been guiding and preparing Heritage to increase its reach and service to the church in Canada and beyond.

This year has given us encouraging indications of the growh and renewal we sense is before us.  In September we welcomed on campus the second largest first year college class since 2011.  Additionally, our full-time enrolment in the seminary increased by 18%. While we rejoice in the blessings of the present day, we long and pray for the opportunity to serve an greater number of men and women as they prepare to go out and reach our nation with the good news of Jesus Christ.

With this goal in mind, we are so thankful to celebrate God’s incredible provision as we anticipate the January 2025 opening of our new Heritage Theological Seminary building. This new space is impressive in architectural and aesthetic terms, but the building is more than just bricks and mortar; it is a home for the school where we will teach the next generation, gather in community, and equip men and women for life and ministry. This building is a tangible symbol of God’s faithfulness to us—a reminder that He provides for His people, even beyond what we could ever ask or imagine.

           – Dr. Jonathan Griffiths

Watch the video below for a video update from Dr. Jonathan Griffiths.