Introducing the Rick Reed Sermon Podcast
Today, Heritage College & Seminary is excited to officially launch The Rick Reed Sermon Podcast. This new project will be dedicated to sharing sermons from President Dr. Rick Reed’s preaching ministry in churches, conference, and at chapel services at Heritage.
Starting today, you can tune in begin listening to first sermon in Dr. Reed’s series on 2 Timothy, Becoming a Courageous Christian. For the next 10 days, you will be able to hear more sermons released each day. Plus, visit to download a free study guide for the series.
After this series is released, listeners will be able to enjoy sermons from Dr. Reed every Monday.
Listeners will be able to tune in to The Rick Reed Sermon Podcast on Spotify, Apple, and from our podcast page at
Also, learn more about Dr. Reed’s new video course, Noticeably Better Preaching, at