Heritage Seminary Press: Book Releases
We are excited to announce the publication of two new books through the Heritage Seminary Press.
The oversight of souls
Essays on pastoral ministry
By Ray Van Neste
“How do you understand pastoral ministry? What is the centre of your calling as a pastor? Is it difficult for your people to speak directly with you? Do you know your sheep? Do they know you? Are you really shepherding God’s flock as you have been called to by the Great Shepherd, Jesus himself? In this book, Ray Van Neste looks to God’s Word and church history to show that the oversight of souls is to be the very heart of pastoral ministry.”
A Phoenix of Women: Puritan spirituality in the letters of Brilliana Harley
Edited and introduced by Michael A.G. Haykin
“Brilliana’s letters reveal the heart of her spirituality. As the troubles around her increased, she took increasing solace in the truths of election, the sufficiency of Christ’s work on the cross and the sovereignty of God in salvation. The soil of her heart was truly warmed by “the sweet waters of God’s Word.”