Learn More About Heritage
Welcome to Heritage College & Seminary!
Thank you for your interest in learning more about Heritage College & Seminary!
Our mission at Heritage is to, “equip men and women for life and ministry.” You might ask yourself, “What does that mean?”
It means that we want to prepare you to live your life for Christ. We desire to help you grow in your faith and knowledge of God and prepare you to live a life filled with purpose—to share the life-transforming hope of Christ and be a disciple who makes disciples wherever God may call you.
So, whether you feel led towards serving the church in ministry in pastoral ministry, global missions, or parachurch ministry. Or, that you desire to take one year to study the Bible and grow in your faith as you learn in a Christ-centred community—Heritage exists to give you a foundation in God’s Word and the opportunity to learn more about how God has uniquely gifted you to serve Him.
Study at Heritage for Your Spiritual Growth – Learning Opportunities for the Mature Christian
One way that you can study at Heritage and grow in your faith is as a non-credit, audit student. By auditing a class at Heritage, you can participate in class lectures and reading at your own pace while not completing the required course work
Plus, you can attend classes in person at Heritage or from your home city by livestream with our synchronous learning option.
Fees for Classes:
- Audit or Non-Credit Students: For an average, three-credit-hour class at Heritage, the cost of taking a class is $240. Other fees would include textbooks.
- Credit Students: For an average, three-credit-hour class at Heritage, the cost of taking a class is around $1,170. For other related fees for studying at Heritage, click here to review the full Fee Schedule.
To register for classes as an Audit Student, visit DiscoverHeritage.ca/Apply and go to the “Audit a Course at Heritage” form.
Here are a few classes in our college and seminary for you to discover this winter:
- Psalms with Dr. David Barker – Starting Thursday, January 11 from 6:30 to 9:15 pm: This course in the psalms will include studies in the beauties of Hebrew poetry, how we understand individual psalms, how the book of Psalms came into our hands, and thevarious kinds of psalms in the Psalter.
- Philippians with Dr. Wayne Baxter — Starting Tuesday, January 9 from 6:30 to 9:15 pm: This course will examine Paul’s letter to the Philippians in light of the social, historical, religious, and political contexts of Paul and the church in Philippi to understand its message accurately and apply its teaching to the church today.
- Developing Life-Changing Bible Study Curriculum with Dr. Linda Reed and Lori Stairs — January 19-20, March 8, and April 6: Learn how to write, select, and adapt bible study curriculum that is sound, relevant, and applicable to all areas of life.
- Pentateuch with Dr. Ian Vaillancourt — Saturday, January 20 & Saturday, February 10 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm: This multi-modal class—a blend of weekly online lectures and two in-person lecture days at Heritage—will look at the first five books of the Old Testament with emphasis on the historical background to their composition, the literary structure of each book, the social context of the books, issues of content and interpretation, and their theology and message for both then and now.
- Church History II with Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin — January 20, February 17, March 2 & 23 from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm: This class provides a detailed study of the Reformation, Puritanism, the Eighteenth Century Evangelical Revival, and modern church history will be completed in this course. These events are examined through readings in authors such as: Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Owens, Richard Baxter, John and Charles Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, B.B. Warfield, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and D.M. Lloyd-Jones.
- Worldview and Culture with Dr. Barry Howson — Friday, January 12 & Friday, March 1 from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm: This multi-modal class provides an analytical and critical examination of the Christian worldview in light of our contemporary modern and postmodern culture.
- Biblical Sexuality and Contemporary Issues with Dr. Steve West— January 19-20 and March 1-2: Issues of sexuality and gender are amongst the most important and challenging topics that Christians face in our contemporary culture. To help equip the church for interacting with this reality, this course leads the student in thinking about sexuality from a biblical and theological perspective.
Ways to Discover Heritage
Campus Tours
If you want to check out the campus and learn more about our programs, come for part of a day for a Campus Tour. You can book a tour Mondays to Fridays between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
This Winter, Fridays are a great day to come and check out the campus. Come and learn more about our programs, take a walk around campus, and sit in for a few minutes on the following classes:
- Introduction to New Testament Studies with Dr. Joel Barker – Starting at 8:30 am
- Biblical Counselling & Family Dynamics with Curtis Heaton—Starting at 9:00 am
- Pastoral Epistles with Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin—Starting at 1:00 pm
Book your Tour today at DiscoverHeritage.ca/Tour.
Open House – Friday, February 2
Students who are interested in learning more about studying at Heritage are also welcome to join us on Friday, February 2 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm for a special Open House event. During the day, students will get the chance to attend class, tour the campus, meet faculty and current students, have lunch in the Cafeteria and learn more about our programs.
Registration is open for the Open House—sign-up at DiscoverHeritage.ca/Tour.
Student Samplers
The best way to experience life as a college student at Heritage is by coming to one of our two-day Student Samplers. You will stay a night in our dorm with current students, participate in their small group, attend classes the next day, worship with the community in Chapel, and meet other students and professors, all while learning more about our programs and the college.
Come to one of our two Student Samplers happening in 2024 at:
- February 5-6 during our Missions Conference
- March 11-12 during the March Break
Register today at DiscoverHeritage.ca/Tour.
Have Questions? Reach Out to Heritage!
If you want to learn more about studying at Heritage or our programs, connect with us—we would be happy to talk to you about our college and seminary. You can click here to fill out a form to be in contact with one of our Admissions Counsellors.
For questions related to studying at the college, please reach out to Nate Ecker at necker@heritagecs.edu or MacKenzie Franche at mfranche@heritagecs.edu.
For questions about Heritage Theological Seminary, connect with Jeff Swan at jswan@heritagecs.edu or Karyn Mowbray at kmowbray@heritagecs.edu.
Important Links on DiscoverHeritage.ca
To learn more about our College Programs, click here.
Want to learn more about College Residence at Heritage? Click here.
To see what programs we offer at Heritage Theological Seminary, click here.
Have questions about Tuition and Scholarships? Click here.