Conversations with the Authors – Dr. Wayne Baxter
Join us on Thursday October 17th at 7 pm in the Heritage Community Centre for a Conversation with the Author, Dr. Wayne Baxter.
Come to campus to enjoy a fireside discussion with our Professor of New Testament and Greek here at Heritage Theological Seminary. We will learn and reflect on his book, We’ve Lost. What Now? Practical Counsel from the Book of Daniel, followed by a time of refreshments and fellowship.
We will explore how to live our faith more effectively within the social and cultural margins we face as twenty-first century Christians.
About Dr. Wayne Baxter
Professor of New Testament and Greek, Wayne has been serving at Heritage since 2012. Previously he spent ten years in pastoral ministry, serving in Christian & Missionary Alliance churches in Windsor and Ottawa, and a CBOQ church in Mississauga. He earned his Ph.D. at McMaster University in the Department of Religious Studies, majoring in Early Christianity with a minor in Early Judaism. Wayne has also taught part-time at Wilfrid Laurier University, King’s University College (UWO), and McMaster University. He is married to Lucille and they have three sons, Ethan, Micah, and Jared.
About the Book
Is the church of the twenty-first century supposed to regain its former glory, or is it too late? Are the people of God in exile yet again? Have we lost our cultural footing and are now in desperate need to find a new way for the present millennium? Daniel was born into a nation of God-fearers, where the Scriptures were embraced and biblical values espoused. But that all changed with the Babylonian exile. Daniel’s God, his values, and his faith had become irrelevant and even despised in his society. With the erosion of Christendom, Daniel’s story has become the church’s story! We’ve Lost. What Now? offers a clear, insightful, and relevant exposition of Daniel in order to empower believers to minister more effectively than ever before from the social and cultural margins the church now inhabits.
Register for Conversations with the Authors Today
Special thanks to Wipf and Stock Publishers for their support on this event.