Celebrating This Year’s Missions and Evangelism Awards
One of the main purposes of Heritage College & Seminary is to prepare and equip its students for a life on mission for Jesus. It is for this reason that Heritage celebrates the graduating students who have displayed a heart for sharing the love of Christ locally and globally, while encouraging their peers to also engage in God’s mission in the world.
As a part of our celebrations for Online Graduation 2020, we are announcing this year’s winners of the missions and evangelism awards.
Congratulations to this year’s winners:
- The ABWE Missions Award: a student who has a heart for and practical experience in cross-cultural missions, and who has consistently and enthusiastically encouraged other students to engage in God’s mission in the world.
- Awarded to: Cassandra Blundell.
- Norman W. Pipe Evangelism Award: a student who exhibits a contagious Christian lifestyle, passionately sharing the love of Christ and the message of the Gospel through words and deeds.
- Awarded to: Isaiah Bennett.
- The Craig Simmons Missions Award: a student who transcends the boundaries of culture and comfort in seeking to reach the world for Christ.
- Awarded to: Austin Fitch.
Join us for Online Graduation 2020 on Saturday, September 26th at 10:30am for the premiere of the ceremony at YouTube.com/heritagecs.