A Message from the President’s Cabinet

Posted January 4, 2022
As our staff and faculty prepare for the beginning of the winter semester next week, we are looking forward to the start of classes and praying that God would continue to work in and through our college and seminary students this academic year.
Considering the new time-limited guidelines announced on January 3 from the Province of Ontario, the President’s Cabinet of Heritage College & Seminary recently met to establish a plan to begin the winter semester starting January 11, 2022.
Out of a continued desire to foster a positive, safe, and healthy learning experience for our students, staff, and faculty at Heritage, the President’s Cabinet will be moving forward with a plan to welcome our college and seminary students back once again to Heritage this winter.
College Residence will Remain Open
Starting Saturday, January 8, college students living in residence will be welcome to begin moving back to campus. Before moving into their assigned apartment, all residence students will be required to take a rapid antigen test.
College and Seminary Classes will Begin In-Person with Online Option
Starting January 11, most of our college and seminary classes will continue to be delivered in person, with the option for students to join their classes through our livestream, hybrid format.
Faculty members will be reaching out to students over the next couple of days to share their plans for the upcoming semester. If a student has questions surrounding their class, they are encouraged to email their professor to receive guidance and direction.
Campus Operations
In following the recent measures set out by the Province of Ontario, Heritage will be making changes to our current campus operations and protocols for the beginning of the winter semester.
Further details will be released in the coming days surrounding on-campus protocols, though some initial changes will include the following:
- The Gymnasium and Fitness Centre located in The Heritage Community Centre will be closed.
- The Cafeteria will shift to take-out or pick-up to support students.
- Reduced group capacities will be implemented in The Heritage Community Centre.
Please continue to stay updated on DiscoverHeritage.ca/Winter2022 for a more detailed plan surrounding on-campus protocols at Heritage for the winter semester.